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Nume Stud
An Univ
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Vîslan C. Ionuț-Alexandru 9503 V SCIA 24/25 Admis
Vlad D. Andrei-Marius 9202 II ISE 24/25 Promovat
Vlad E. Emanuel-Nicolae 9403 IV EIA 24/25 Promovat
Vlad N. Emanuel 9403 IV EIA 24/25 Promovat
Vlaicu A. Robert-Marian 9210 II EM-FR 24/25 Promovat
Vlădan M.-F. Daniel-Ionuț 9307 III EM 24/25 Promovat
Vlădoiu C. Constantin-Adrian 9407 IV EM 24/25 Promovat
Vlăducu G. Robert-Gabriel 9103 I EIA 24/25 Admis
Vlădulescu I.-A. Marius-Octavian 9103 I EIA 24/25 Admis
Vlăduțescu I. Ionuț 9210 II EM-FR 24/25 Promovat
Voica C. Constantin-Adrian 9407 IV EM 24/25 Promovat
Voican I. Ionuț-Adrian 9502 V SEI 24/25 Admis
Voicu I. Florin-Adrian 9502 V SEI 24/25 Admis
Voinea N. Daniel-Gabriel 9503 V SCIA 24/25 Admis
Vornicu S. Marius 9110 I EM-FR 24/25 Admis
Vozariu I. Constantin 9201 II IEC 24/25 Promovat
Vrancea I. Florența-Andreea 9201 II IEC 24/25 Promovat
Vrejea E.M. Ramon-Andrei 9210 II EM-FR 24/25 Promovat
Vretu I. Iulian-Marius 9207 II EM 24/25 Promovat
Vucea E. Constantin Emil 9402 IV ISE 24/25 Admis
Vulpe C. Petrișor-Lucas 9203 II EIA 24/25 Promovat
Zaharia I. Nicolae 9101 I IEC 24/25 Admis
Zamfir L.-V. Alexandru 9301 III IEC 24/25 Promovat
Zaric Mile 9604 VI SEC 24/25 Promovat
Zăinescu I. Costin-Florentin 9503 V SCIA 24/25 Admis
Zăvoianu M. Cătălin-Florin 9302 III ISE 24/25 Promovat
Zeca N. Marian 9210 II EM-FR 24/25 Promovat
Zaiți M. Daniel-Cristian 9103 I EIA 24/25 Admis
Zidaru C. Virginia-Alina 9501 V CECESE 24/25 Admis
Zidaru D.-D. Andrei-Cristian 9402 IV ISE 24/25 Admis
Zlătescu L. Marius-Valentin 9504 V SEC 24/25 Admis
Zoican M. Ionuț-Constantin 9602 VI SEI 24/25 Promovat
Zugrăvescu I. Ionel-Cosmin 9502 V SEI 24/25 Admis
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